Imperialism and Zionism are intertwined offspring of the exploitative and occupying capitalist system!

!امپریالیسم و صهیونیسم دوقلوهای بهم چسبیده اند که زائیده ی سیستم إستثمارگر و إشغالگر سرمایه داری می باشند

Imperialism and Zionism are intertwined offspring of the exploitative and occupying capitalist system!
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Research by Hasse-Nima Golkar

Imperialism and Zionism are intertwined offspring of the exploitative and occupying capitalist system!

The prolonged conflicts between Israel and Palestine, ongoing since 1948, have grown deeply complex, encompassing historical, religious, political, and social dimensions. Numerous attempts at peace have been made, but none have yielded practical solutions due to Israeli settlement expansions in the West Bank and the prevention of Palestinian refugees from returning to their homes by the Israeli government.

In this state of prolonged political and diplomatic deadlock, on October 7, 2023, Palestinian armed groups led by Hamas – militarily, economically, and politically supported by the fascist Islamic state of Iran – unexpectedly breached Israel’s security barriers. After crossing the obstacles, they launched attacks on an Israeli youth music festival and military bases. Reports indicate that approximately 1,200 military personnel and civilians were killed in this terrorist attack, while around 250 individuals, including 38 children, were taken hostage by Hamas and Islamic Jihad militias.

Following this attack, the Israeli army, in what it claimed as a defense of its right to exist, imposed a complete siege on the Gaza Strip – a region with a densely packed population of about 2.2 million people. With full economic, political, and military support from the United States and utilizing the most advanced warfare technologies, Israel cut off water and electricity, restricted access to medical care, forcibly displaced populations multiple times, and engaged in indiscriminate bombings of residential areas, hospitals, and schools – acts amounting to war crimes and genocide, which continue to this day. Reports suggest that since the onset of this latest war, around 50,000 people, the majority of whom are women and children, have lost their lives.

Furthermore, based on astonishing, horrific, and heartbreaking figures, civilian infrastructure – including approximately 68% of residential buildings, agricultural lands, and roads – has either been completely destroyed or severely damaged. Out of 36 hospitals, only 17 are partially and minimally operational, all of which are facing shortages of fuel, medical supplies, equipment, and clean water.

In the request submitted to the International Court of Justice for a judicial ruling against Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, dated January 20, 2023, it is stated:

“…We believe that Israel’s violation of the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force and the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination has a direct impact on the illegality of Israel’s continued presence as an occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel’s ongoing misuse of its position as an occupying power – through annexation, the imposition of permanent control over the occupied Palestinian territories, and persistent denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination – constitutes a fundamental violation of international law, rendering Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territories illegal.”



Zionism emerged as a political and nationalist Jewish movement in the late 19th century. Its primary aim was to establish an independent Jewish state in Palestine, led by Theodor Herzl, motivated by the security and identity needs of Jews facing widespread antisemitism in Europe. After the establishment of Israel in 1948, Zionist objectives expanded to include settlement expansion and consolidation of territorial control. This short article examines various aspects of this issue from legal, political, religious, and cultural perspectives.

  1. History and Emergence of Zionism

1.1. Background

Zionism developed in response to widespread antisemitism in Europe during the late 19th century. Regular attacks against Jews (pogroms) in Eastern Europe and Russia, as well as structural discrimination across Europe, motivated the establishment of a movement aimed at finding a safe homeland for the Jewish people.

1.2. Theodor Herzl and the Basel Congress

Theodor Herzl, an Austrian writer and journalist, published the book “The Jewish State” in 1896, advocating for the creation of an independent Jewish state. One year later, in 1897, the first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland, aiming to organize world Jewry and formulate strategies for acquiring the land of Palestine.

  1. Goals and Ideology of Zionism

2.1. Initial Goals (Before the Establishment of Israel – 1948)

  • Establishing an independent Jewish state in Palestine.
  • Returning dispersed Jews worldwide to their “Promised Land.”
  • Creating a modern and secular Jewish society.

2.2. Goals After the Establishment of Israel

  • Strengthening security and consolidating the State of Israel.
  • Expanding Israel’s borders through various wars.
  • Judaizing occupied territories and expanding settlements.
  • Preserving Jewish identity through education and immigration.
  1. Establishment of Israel and Its Consequences

3.1. Wars and Territorial Expansion

  • 1948 (War of Independence/Nakba): Creation of Israel and occupation of additional Palestinian territories.
  • 1956 (Suez Crisis): Attack on Egypt alongside Britain and France.
  • 1967 (Six-Day War): Occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem.
  • 1973 (Yom Kippur War): Partial recovery of territories by Egypt and Syria.
  1. Israel as a Non-Economic Colonial and Occupying State

4.1. Reasons for Being a Non-Economic Colonial Entity

  • Motivations are primarily religious and nationalist rather than economic.
  • Efforts to establish a Jewish land through settlement and colonization.

4.2. Reasons for Being an Occupying State

  • Land seizure through war and military occupation.
  • Establishing illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
  • Human rights violations through blockades, house demolitions, and unlawful detentions.
  • Changing the demographic and cultural fabric of Palestinian areas.
  1. Legal and International Dimensions

5.1. Adoption of International Resolutions and Laws

Throughout the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the United Nations (Governments) and other international bodies have passed various resolutions, many of which Israel has ignored, completely.

5.2. Important Resolutions

  1. Resolution 181 (1947): Partition Plan for Palestine
  2. Resolution 194 (1948): Right of Return for Refugees
  3. Resolution 242 (1967): Land for Peace Principle
  4. Resolution 338 (1973): Call for Peace Negotiations
  5. Resolution 2334 (2016): Condemnation of Illegal Settlements

5.3. Violations of Human Rights and International Law

  • Illegal occupation of territories.
  • Blockade of Gaza and creating a humanitarian crisis and disaster.
  • Illegal settlement expansions.
  • Altering the demographic character of Palestinian areas.
  1. Political and Strategic Dimensions

6.1. International Support for Israel

  • United States: The largest supporter of Israel in military, political, and economic terms.
  • European Countries: Some governments, including like the UK and Germany maintain strong relations with Israel.
  • Normalization with Arab Countries: Abraham Accords with UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

6.2. Palestinian Resistance Front and Supporting States

  • Ruling governments in Iran, Syria, Lebanon (Hezbollah): Economic, military and political support for Palestinian resistance.
  •        West Bank; the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO/Fatah), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization.
  •        Gaza Strip; The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Islamic Jihad.
  1. Religious and Cultural Aspects

7.1. Religious and Cultural Claims

  • Judaism: Belief in the “Promised Land” according to the Torah.
  • Islam: Jerusalem as the third holiest site, and Al-Aqsa Mosque as the first Qibla.
  • Christianity: Historical significance of Jerusalem for Christians worldwide.
  1. Supportive and Oppositional Views on Zionism

8.1. Supportive Views

  • Providing safety and refuge for Jews.
  • Defending Israeli democracy.

8.2. Oppositional Views

  • A colonialist project violating Palestinian rights.
  • Creating an apartheid system and racial discrimination.
  1. Conclusion

Zionism, as a political, religious, and extreme nationalist movement, has had far-reaching impacts on the Middle East and the world. Considering the political, legal, religious, and cultural dimensions of this issue, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains one of the most complex and sensitive global disputes. Fair and law-based negotiations are essential for achieving a sustainable solution.


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