Argentina protests: Another link in the chain of social descompoition

اعتراضات آرژانتین: حلقه‌ای دیگر در زنجیره فروپاشی اجتماعی

Argentina protests: Another link in the chain of social descompoition
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Author: Olivera

The argentina protests. Just another link in the chain of social descompoition

“Jubilados Insurgentes”  is an organization of pensioneers with diverse political afinities formed in 2019. It’s horizontal structure with no leadership due to anarchist influence. Many of the old timers there have a lifetime of anarchist militancy under their belt. Some of them were members come from an era   of active resistance against the military dictatorship where clandestine armed organizations like the legendary “resistencia libertaria” and “opr 33” were an anarchist bastion of resistance against genocidal latin american dictatorships. This is the reason they are recibed with an standing obasion in any anarchist event they show up.

They began marching arround the congress every thursday protesting for insuficient pensions, theshorcuts on medical benefits and the utter poverty condition Milei’s goverment forced most pensioneers to live in.

The only answer the goverment gave is represion, they got peper sprayed, betean and arrested. Seen this old pensioneers get in brawls with police became a weekly ocurrence. And they were slowly gaining suport.

Then a video went viral of a pensioneer member of chacarita fc being beaten up. Next week 50- 100 chacarita soccer fans showed up in suport.

When they were represed too there was a masive calling to all soccer fans regardless of their teams, also suported by some trade unions.

Then represion was even crueler leaving a n estimate of 46 injured including the fotografer pablo grillo who was shot with a tear gas canister in the head and is still fighting for his life. And another man lost vision of one eye due to rubber bullets.

Still suport for the pensioneers is increased. At the same time inside the congress a brawl insued betwen members of the goverment party and it was an excuse not to form the comision of political trial and the comision of investigation for libra crypto currency scam. Which is completely ilegal to unilateraly suspend a congress sesion.

After represion the usual stuff hapened. Images of undercover cops seting up a montage for the propaganda. The goverment denying everything and mocking nad insulting the protestirs on tv and with their social media trolls. Trying to divide protestors into good or violent ones.

The state of the resistance is not that good at the moment. Some articles like the one  published by freedom news painted this dilucional epic picture of an epic resistence against fascism. When in reality resistance was few and disorganised. Knowing who wrote this article, there is no surprises on the misinformation.

The context is complex, one of economic catastrofe, social cruelty and state sponsored stealing of natural resources by corporatiins and foreing powers alike.

The resistence to milei is ill prepared but something promising is beginig to boil under the surface.


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