The execution sentence of “Pakhshan Azizi” will only be overturned with our widespread presence in the field of protest!

حکم اعدام «پَخشان عزیزی» تنها با حضور گسترده ما انسان ها در میدان اعتراض شکسته خواهد شد

The execution sentence of “Pakhshan Azizi” will only be overturned with our widespread presence in the field of protest!
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The execution sentence of “Pakhshan Azizi” will only be overturned with our widespread presence in the field of protest!
At no time or place have the executions of political activists not only failed to sustain regimes or deter revolutionary movements, but they have also had the opposite effect. In the history of popular struggles, repression and violence have not only failed to stop freedom movements but have also radicalized the struggle. The execution of political activists is a failed and ineffective tool for preserving the power of ruling systems. Instead, it increases public hatred and anger, turning it into a collective memory that fosters solidarity against governments and leads to their overthrow.

The execution sentence of the freedom fighter “Pakhshan Azizi,” a Kurdish social worker, journalist, and political prisoner, exposes the violent and oppressive nature of the fascist state of the “Islamic Republic of Iran” to the global public. This is a regime that uses execution to maintain its dominance.

In our anarchist perspective, execution symbolizes the structure of institutionalized authority and violence within the state, against which we must rise and bring an end. Our struggle against states is a fight against all forms of authority and domination, with execution being a part of this broader system.

Our power lies in global solidarity, which can halt state crimes and pave the way for a society free from domination and violence. Together, we can move toward a world without states, authority, prisons, torture, and execution; a world founded on a libertarian system, equality, and justice for all.

We call upon all freedom-minded individuals to stand against these crimes and amplify the voices of execution victims worldwide. This struggle is not only against one government but against all forms of tyranny and oppression.

Federation of Anarchism Era (Media Section)


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