These Tricolor, Sun, and Lion Monarchist Flags Do Not Represent Most of the Iranian People!
The tricolor flag (green-white-red) with the Lion and Sun symbol does not reflect the views of most Iranians. Claiming otherwise misleads by suggesting this flag is endorsed by the majority within Iran’s current political boundaries. Historical evidence over the last 174 years shows this flag has never truly represented the populace, and this remains true today.
Since its inception, this tricolor flag with its various male lions — one that some are willing to “sacrifice their lives for” — has unequivocally symbolized patriarchal (misogynistic) kings, the exploitative ruling class, authoritarians, despots, feudal lords, and capitalist dictators. It has always been endorsed by their political representatives and defenders in non-popular parliaments. To claim that all those kings and their parliaments were freedom-minded, egalitarian, and democratic, and that their approval (including of the flag) reflected the will of the oppressed people, is simply false.
In one sentence: This tricolor flag with the Lion and Sun symbol has represented patriarchal kings, plunderers, and exploiters who, along with the entire ruling class, have enforced and continue to enforce unequal socio-economic and cultural policies against the overwhelming majority of hardworking people living in Iran.
Individuals and groups can have their own flags and symbols, but selecting a flag to represent the overwhelming majority of people in Iran should be decided in the future, after the overthrow of the current medieval fascist state, the so-called “Islamic Republic of Iran.” This decision must be researched, debated, proposed, and then confirmed and approved with the participation of all working people through the “Democratic Confederal Self-Management Councils.” No other method is acceptable.
Historically, three types of flags with different symbols have existed since 1898. After the constitutional monarchist movement’s victory (1905), the tricolor flag with the Lion and Sun symbol was adopted in the first and second terms of the “National Assembly Council.” Debates between parliamentarians and powerful mullahs on the choice of colors and symbols ended with the adoption of the tricolor Shia Islamic flag with the Lion and Sun. Thus, for the first time, “Iran’s flag” was officially chosen as a symbol of “independence and national sovereignty.”
It should be noted that since Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime took power in 1979, none of these flags have been raised during revolutionary protests in Iran, especially during the recent Woman-Life-Freedom revolutionary uprising.
There are several documents about the history of the tricolor flag with the Lion and Sun mark. For readers’ information, we provide this short article, which seems to be closer to reality.
The Federation of Anarchism Era (Media Section)
The Flag During the Time of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar
Mirza Mohammad Taqi Khan Farahani (1807-1852 AD), Iran’s first chancellor nicknamed “Amir Kabir” (the great leader/commander) during the Naser al-Din Shah Qajar dynasty (1848-1896 AD), had a special affection for Nader Shah Afshar (1688-1747 AD). That is why he constantly advised Naser al-Din Shah to read the biography of Nader Shah. Amir Kabir accepted the same colors as Nader’s flag but ordered the shape of the flag to be rectangular, as opposed to the triangular flag shape of Nader Shah’s dynasty.
The Flag During the Time of Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar
With the victory of the constitutionalist movement in Iran (1905-1911 AD), Muzaffaruddin Shah was forced to accept the formation of the parliament, where “people’s representatives” began to draft the constitutional law and its amendments in the periods of the first and second parliaments. The fifth principle of the constitutional amendment stated: “The official colors of the Iranian flag are green, white, and red, with the symbol of the lion and the sun.”
It is quite clear that the representatives were hasty in approving this principle, as nothing was mentioned about the order of the colors—namely how they would lie horizontally or vertically, and on which of the colors the lion and sun symbol would be placed. It was also not mentioned if there would be a sword along with the lion. It seems that part of the urgency of the representatives was due to the presence of a number of Islamist mullahs in the parliament, who considered the use of the image is Haraam (forbidden).
The new-thinking representatives resorted to religious arguments to justify the colors of the flag in such a way that green is the favorite color of the Prophet of Islam and the color of the religion. So it was suggested that green should be placed on the top of the national flag of Iran. Regarding the white color, the historical fact was cited that white is the favorite color of Zoroastrians, a religious minority that has lived peacefully in Iran for thousands of years, and that white is a symbol of peace, reconciliation, and purity. Therefore, it was necessary that white should lie below the green color. Referring to the value of the blood of the martyrs in Islam, especially the third Imam of the Shiites, Husayn (626-680 AD), and those who sacrificed their lives for the constitutional revolution, it was then pointed out that it is necessary that the red color under the white should be preserved as the blood of the martyrs.
When the representatives of the clergy were convinced by these arguments, the environment became favorable for the new thinkers in Parliament to raise the issue of the lion and the sun sign on the flag. On the one hand, it was justified that the victory of the constitutional revolution happened in the month of Mordad (August 1906); that is, in the zodiac sign Asad (Lion). On the other hand, since most Iranians are Shia Muslims and followers of the first Imam Ali, and Asadullah (Lion of God) is one of his titles, the lion will refer partly to the month of Mordad (time of victory of the Revolution) and partly to one of Imam Ali’s titles.
As for the sun, it was thus explained that since the constitutional revolution was won in the middle of August, when the sun is at the peak of its strength and heat, it was proposed that the sun should be mounted on the back of the lion, so that this lion and the sun are both a symbol of Imam Ali and also a sign of August 14, the day of the victory of the constitutionalists. And of course, when we consider the lion as a symbol of the first Imam Ali, it is necessary to give the sword (Zulfiqar) to him as well. In this way, for the first time, the “national flag of Iran” was officially introduced into the constitution as a symbol of “national independence and sovereignty.”
The Flag During the Time of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
In 1957, Manouchehr Eqbal, then the Prime Minister, on the proposal of a delegation of representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Education, and War, specified the dimensions and other details of the flag along with the lion, the sun, and the crown.
Researched and translated by Hasse-Nima Golkar
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