Solidarity with the Saharawi people

Solidarity with the Saharawi people
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Morocco has broken the ceasefire signed with the Polisario Front in 1991
after attacking the Guerguerat border crossing a few days ago to enter
the demilitarised strip at the southern end of the Sahara. Its aim was
to break the blockade on resource trafficking imposed three weeks ago by
a group of Sahrawi demonstrators from the Polisario Front

War has broken out between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of
Morocco, which has been trying to occupy by force for decades a
territory inhabited by a proud, autonomous and free people. The
Saharawis have been suffering injustice for years, both from the
expropriation of their land by the Moroccan state and from the UN, the
EU and Spain. All of them have abandoned the RASD to their fate, failing
to fulfil their commitments and looking the other way to let Morocco act
as it pleases

The Western Sahara has been Spain’s main colony in Africa since 1884 and
in 1961 was integrated into Spain as its 53rd province, with legal
effects of citizenship and nationality. The Sahara was not decolonised
because Spain failed to comply with both its legal mandate and its
ethical commitment, handing the territory over to Morocco, which invaded
it in 1975

This situation, in which Spain has played a key role, has cost the
Sahrawi people almost half a century of death, torture and abandonment

One hundred thousand Saharawis live under Moroccan occupation and
apartheid, one hundred and fifty thousand live in the liberated strip or
are refugees in the Tindouf hamada (Algeria), and some fifty thousand
are in exile

The Saharawis are a suffering, brave, generous, hospitable and, above
all, free people. Descendants of Berbers and Bedouins, they are brave
and do not like to be told how to do things, used to living under the
stars, in the immensity of the desert. Confined to the liberated strip
they are denied the possibility of accessing their natural resources in
order to feed themselves and live in peace, with work and decent

We want the best for the Saharawi people and that is why we abhor
Alaouite imperialism, its prisons full of Saharawis, its use of violence
to impose its state and culture on this people

The Saharawis have the right to self-defence and to fight for their
freedom. But we also believe that the best thing for the libertarian
Saharawi people is not to suffer and die in a war in order to become one
more, confessional state (the RSDA Constitution says “Islam is the
religion of the State.”) patriarchal, where women are servants of men
and with their government and institutions of power. The war situation
in which they have been living for years has militarised Saharan society
and this environment is never good for the people and generates
authoritarian relations and vices that are difficult to shake off when
peace comes. Many people will say that the first thing to do is to wage
war and free themselves from Morocco and then society will be organised

We believe that, as in the Spanish Revolution of 1936, war must be
accompanied by revolution, something that can also be done today. There
is the reference of Rojava and the Kurds

We Spaniards know the Saharawis well, because we were their exploiters
and subdued them for years, imposing our “protection” on them
exploiting their resources and organising their lives according to our
culture. We talk about the governments and institutions of the
dictatorship and democracy

The Spanish people, the ordinary people, however, always showed their
support for the Saharawis. Many of us welcomed the Saharawi children and
teenagers during the summer season and offered them a different place to
spend the summer, far from the heat of the desert. We provide them with
our food and our medical services. We tuck them in, visit them and meet
their families and share our resources with them. We are neighboring
towns and we understand each other, we exercise solidarity, surely that
which they themselves would give us if the turns were different

That is why we know them well and we know that they will fight until the
end and that if they finally manage to drive away their enemy and live
in peace on their lands, which are occupied today, they will not allow a
new government to oppress them, even if it is one of their own, with its
judges, its courts, its police, its prisons

We know this well because the Saharawis are, like the anarchists
ungovernable, they don’t like to be in charge of anyone or to be sent to

That is why we send the Saharawi people encouragement in the struggle
and wish them that, while defeating their Moroccan imperialist
neighbours, they will weave the net of a new, more just and equal

Long live the struggle and freedom of the Saharawi people

Higinio Carrocera Group

Solidaridad con el pueblo saharaui


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۴- عصر آنارشیسم در توئیتر
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۲۴ – فیسبوک اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۵ – اینستاگرام اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۶ – کانال تلگرام خودسازماندهی مطالب گروه اتحاديه آنارشیست‌های افغانستان و ايران
۲۷ – گروه تلگرام خودساماندهی مطالب گروه اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۸– اینستاگرام آنارشیستهای بوکان - ئانارکیستە کانی بۆکان
۲۹- کانال تلگرام کتابخانه شورشی
۳۰- کانال تلگرام ریتم آنارشی
۳۱- تلگرام آنارشیستهای اراک
۳۲- تلگرام قیام مردمی
۳۳- ماستودون عصرآنارشیسم
۳۴- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های مزار شریف
۳۵- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های کابل