Anniversary of the victory of the people of Rojava against the “Islamic State / ISIS” in northern Syria

سالگرد پیروزی مردم «روژاوا» علیه «دولت اسلامی/ داعش» در شمال سوریه

Anniversary of the victory of the people of Rojava against the “Islamic State / ISIS” in northern Syria
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10th anniversary of the victory of the fighting people in Kobane in Kurdistan northern Syria against the fascists “Islamic State / ISIS”.

For ten years ago today, the brave people in Kobane/Kobanî took to the streets and surrounded barracks of police and military forces. On the night of July 18-19, 2012 at 01:00 o’clock local time, the YPG (People’s Defense Forces) took control of the streets leading into and out of the city of Kobane, a city in Aleppo province in northern Syria near the border with Turkey. At the same time, the population began to occupy and besiege all the city’s state institutions.

Finally, the population gathered in front of the “al-Assad” military base in Kobane. A delegation of representatives from different ethnic groups negotiated with the military officers. They were to surrender their weapons and their security would be guaranteed. That was the offer of the Kurdish side, and in view of the hopelessness of the soldiers, they agreed.

From Kobane the revolutionary movement spread to the whole of Rojava in northern and eastern Syria. It is thanks to the martyrs of the revolution, it is said up to 26,000 people who gave their lives in the last ten years that today established the people’s democratic confederal self-management councils, and socialist, feminist, and ecological revolution with especially free women, which is a real alternative to the capitalist patriarchy.

Northern Syria is a multi-ethnic region and the three largest ethnic groups are Kurds, Arabs and Christian Assyrians / Syrians, and other ethnic-religious minorities such as Armenians, Turkmens, Chechens, Yazidis and more who live together.

Long live the Kurdish struggle, and the revolutionary movement in Rojava!

Long live the revolutionary solidarity among people all over the world!

The media section of The Anarchists Union of Afghanistan & Iran
(part of the self-organization of the Federation of Anarchism Era)


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