The Federation of Anarchism Era Interview with the Brazilian Amazon Anarchists

مصاحبه فدراسیون عصر آنارشیسم با آنارشیست های آمازون برزیل

The Federation of Anarchism Era Interview with the Brazilian Amazon Anarchists
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The Federation of Anarchism Era Interview with the Brazilian Amazon Anarchists:

  1. As a starting point, we’d like to hear your view of the history of anarchism in Brazil.

Anarchism in Brazil has a very rich and important history. Anarchism was the most important political ideology in the first two decades of the 20th century. The labour movement in Brazil during this period was very strong. In major cities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belém and Porto Alegre, workers influenced by anarchism promoted strikes and mobilisations that led to the conquest of many of the rights we have today. 8-hour working day. Back then, people worked 14 hours or more. The right to strike, which we didn’t have, to rest, etc. But due to repression, persecution of leaders and other factors, Anarchism lost its influence.

Anarchism as a political and social reference for Brazilian workers made a comeback in the 80s of the 20th century. The vast majority of us are young anarchists and we are trying to insert anarchism into the social struggles in the five regions of Brazil. Various groups and organisations have been working towards this end, such as the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination.

  1. Could you tell us about the work and activities of your fellow anarchists and in which anarchist groups you are active?

We currently work at CCLA, the Centre for Libertarian Culture in Amazonia, a political and social space for anarchists living in the Amazon region of Brazil. We work with anarchist political education, knowledge about the reality of the Amazonian peoples, and we try to act in the social struggles of the region: indigenous peoples, rural and urban workers, the women’s movement, etc.

Some of CCLA’s activists are also active in FACa, the Cabana Anarchist Federation, which is linked to the CAB, an anarchist organisation that operates in several Brazilian states.

  1. If you were to share your experiences with us, what would be the most important things you would tell us?

Participating in the region’s social struggles: the indigenous struggle, the struggle of the landless, rural and urban workers and making sure that anarchism is presented as a popular and revolutionary alternative.

  1. What is the current situation of anarchism in Brazil in general, and which anarchist groups, organisations and publications are active?

We are experiencing a reinvigoration of anarchism in Brazil. Various groups and organisations have sprung up. We have the CAB.

  1. What is the social and political situation in Brazil?

Brazil has a very unequal social structure. Concentration of income and property, high illiteracy rates, housing shortages. Even as the world’s new economy, we live with many social problems.

Politically, we say that the country lives in a bourgeois democracy. From 1964 to 1985 we lived through a military dictatorship with a lot of repression of social movements. Today we have a strong far right that has had its representative in the presidency (Bolsonaro), but which continues to play a significant role in Brazil’s social networks and parliaments. The president-elect is currently Lula, who is in his third term. Lula 3 is running a coalition government with elements of the left and the right (centrão). As a result, he is held hostage by this policy and is unable to implement the structural reforms that the people need.

The vast majority of the Brazilian left is reformist and electioneering. It stifles the social movements that have influence and plays into the hands of the bourgeoisie.

  1. What is the situation like for Brazil’s indigenous people today?

The indigenous peoples are in a concrete struggle for their rights. Demarcation of their lands and expulsion of invaders. They have understood since the invasion by the Portuguese and Spanish colonisers, through to the military dictatorship, that only through struggle will we be able to assert our rights.

  1. What about environmental activism? How important is it for anarchists in Brazil?

It’s something that needs to be reawakened in the struggle of anarchists. Capitalism causes misery, unemployment and also the devastation of nature. It’s a very important struggle in the current situation on the planet. We here in the Amazon are aware that we need to strengthen this environmental militancy.

  1. Are there any anarchist prisoners in Brazil, or have there been any in the past? And have any anarchist comrades been injured or killed during the struggles?

In the first decades of the 20th century, the repression of anarchists was very strong. The Clevelândia prison was set up in the district of Oiapoque (state of Amapá), where anarchists arrested in all Brazilian states were taken. Many died in this prison or even on the journey there.

  1. Is there an anarchist movement in Brazil? If so, what is its political position in society and how effective has it been in bringing about political change?

Yes, there is. There are even various heterogeneous movements (such as Anarchism, from its origins) in Brazil, all of which have had an important influence on social movements that have brought improvements to the lives of the working class. The anarcho-punk movement is also an important and historic part of the anarchist movement and continues to make an important contribution to anarchist struggles and culture.

  1. Please tell us about the protests of 2013 and 2014 in Brazil and the role of anarchists in them.

Brazilian anarchists were directly involved in the protests that took place in all Brazilian states. These were the protests in which Anarchist principles were exercised. Direct action, self-organisation and anti-parliamentarianism.

  1. With the exception of Ecuador and Chile, Brazil borders all the countries of South America and is the largest country in South America, the fifth largest country in the world and the sixth most populous country in the world. Considering these facts, could you tell us about Brazil’s political importance and position in the world?

It makes sense. We are a continental country in terms of size and population. By the end of this year we should become the eighth largest economy in the world in terms of GDP. We’re even more important in South America. World capitalism has a large consumer market in Brazil. That’s why we need to grow the struggle and the anarchist ideal in order to influence the other countries that have relations with us.

  1. In general, what areas are anarchists fighting for in Brazil?

Rural workers‘ struggles, indigenous peoples’ struggles, women’s struggles. They are also involved in squats in various localities.

  1. If there’s anything else you’d like to say to our readers, please do.

We’ve tried to answer as objectively as possible, but there are some issues that still need to be studied in greater depth, including by researchers. The best thing to do is to go to the CCLA, FAG, CAB or FAU blogs to go into more detail on various aspects that we can’t go into here.


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