گزارشی از همقطاران گروه «اقدام جمعی آنارشیستی» در یونان

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Comrades, when the rebellion started in September we felt it was important to do solidarity actions and so we called for a gathering in the center of Athens and we distributed texts. We have been informed that during the uprising, hundreds of women fighters were murdered. At the same time, recently the Iranian state has started to execute imprisoned protesters. So we decided to conduct a second cycle of actions. We went outside the Iranian embassy in Athens threw texts and posted banner on 21/1. We called a gathering at a square in the center of Athens on 2/2 and also hung banners and distributed texts in various areas of the cuty capital. We send strength and solidarity to the fighters who are imprisoned. Below is the text we distributed:

May the flame of rebellion in Iran spread throughout the earth

The murder of Mahsa Amini, by the moral police, has sparked a giant uprising on the territory of the Iranian state in recent days. Crowded demonstrations, wild clashes with the repressive apparatus, attacks on police stations, destruction of state and capitalist targets compose a spontaneous anti-state rebellion, which targets are the god and the state. It takes aim at decades of harsh oppression and suppression. Iranian state aims to stop the strength of rebellion by taking harsh repressive measures. Hundreds of protesters have been murdered and captured by the state, who did not hesitate to enlist even the executions of fighters, with the consequence that 4 people have already been executed, while many dozens they are still awaiting death sentences. The last decades, in the Iranian state, the rulers have chosen religious fundamentalism as a mechanism of governance. A strategy of counter-revolution, by which, those in power try to present exploitation, oppression, murder as a divine and virtuous work. They impose national unity around common religion so as to hide social and class antagonisms. They divide them from below, creating false dipoles such as the question of faith, strengthening the oppression of women with their absolute control by men and of course by the state. The extreme oppression of effeminates, of heretics, of those who deviate from the official doctrine, is the everyday life of those from below in this corner of the world. Right on context, Mahsa’s gruesome murder takes place. We are outraged and disgusted with the hypocritical condemnations of states and political parties in the west, which demand more rights for women and condemn religious fanaticism. The same states that strengthened the fundamentalist movements, as a counterweight to the growing radical currents and struggles in the 60s and 70s throughout the Middle East. The same ones who, in their territories, reproduce the entire world of patriarchy, carry out genocides and state murders of those who are left over or resist, the same ones who conduct and prepare to conduct bloody wars for the interests of the bosses and their power. The same states that have repeatedly bloodied the Middle East and plundered the “third world”, the state which not only uprooted the people by this religious fundamentalism and wars, but also, drown them in the Mediterranean, lock them in fences and leave them to die of indifference by thousands. We show our solidarity for those who must be angry, are those from the bottom of this world, who daily experience the exploitation, the oppression and the arrogance of the rulers. The only solution is to realize that our only and true enemy is the state, capital, patriarchy, the power and the exploitation. The protestors who fight, who give their lives these days in Iran, are a scream of resistance and dignity. The uprising in Iran is a bright reminder to the oppressed of this world that even in the darkest of times and under the harshest of regimes, the vision of freedom and equality cannot be stifled. A bright reminder that the horrors of the state and capitalist world can be defeated. From the insurgent Hong Kong to Lebanon and Syria, from France, to Colombia, Chile and USA, from Haiti to the burnt parliament of Kazakhstan and the occupied prime ministerial palaces of Sri Lanka, the vision of a better world breathes. To spread the flame of rebellion across the planet, to global social and class revolution to the end of every power, and the creation of a world of solidarity, equality, freedom, to Anarchy. Patriarchy is regime as long as there is a state and capitalism. Gender roles creates graveyards, down states and every kind power.

Neither Islam nor Christianity, no state, no god

With solidarity,

Anarchist collective Acte


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۱- آدرس تماس با ما
۲- عصر آنارشیسم در اینستاگرام
۳- عصر آنارشیسم در تلگرام
۴- عصر آنارشیسم در توئیتر
۵ – فیسبوک عصر آنارشیسم
۶ – فیسبوک بلوک سیاه ایران
۷ – فیسبوک آنارشیستهای همراه روژاوا و باکورAnarchists in solidarity with the Rojava
۸ – فیسبوک دفاع از زندانیان و اعدامیان غیر سیاسی
۹ – فیسبوک کارگران آنارشیست ایران
۱۰- فیسبوک کتابخانه آنارشیستی
۱۱ – فیسبوک آنارشیستهای همراه بلوچستان
۱۲ – فیسبوک هنرمندان آنارشیست
۱۳ – فیسبوک دانشجویان آنارشیست
۱۴ – فیسبوک شاهین شهر پلیتیک
۱۵ – فیسبوک آنتی فاشیست
۱۶- تلگرام آنارشیستهای اصفهان و شاهین شهر
۱۷ – اینستاگرام آنارشیستهای اصفهان و شاهین شهر
۱۸- تلگرام آنارشیستهای شیراز
۱۹ – تلگرام ” جوانان آنارشیست ”
۲۰ - تلگرام آنارشیستهای تهران
۲۱ – اینستاگرام جوانان آنارشیست
۲۲ – گروه تلگرام اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۳ –  توییتر اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران - The Anarchists Union of Afghanistan and Iran
۲۴ – فیسبوک اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۵ – اینستاگرام اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۶ – کانال تلگرام خودسازماندهی مطالب گروه اتحاديه آنارشیست‌های افغانستان و ايران
۲۷ – گروه تلگرام خودساماندهی مطالب گروه اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۸– اینستاگرام آنارشیستهای بوکان - ئانارکیستە کانی بۆکان
۲۹- کانال تلگرام کتابخانه شورشی
۳۰- کانال تلگرام ریتم آنارشی
۳۱- تلگرام آنارشیستهای اراک
۳۲- تلگرام قیام مردمی
۳۳- ماستودون عصرآنارشیسم
۳۴- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های مزار شریف
۳۵- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های کابل