By Hasse-Nima Golkar
On December 23, 2022, the Kurdish cultural center “Ahmet Kaya” in central Paris was an armed attacked by a right-wing extremist. A suitable gift to the Islamist government of anti-Kurdish Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Three Kurdish political militant activists; Emine Kara, Abdulrahman Kizil and artist Mir Perwer were murdered in cold blood, and several injured.
This 69-year-old assassin, was a government-employed retired driver. He has had a criminal background, among other things, he had attacked a refugee camp earlier with a sword. He then admitted in court that he had acted in this case with racist intent. We know that such events are nothing new, given the atmosphere of repeated violence which comes especially from extreme right-wing forces in France.
Most political analysts believe that the killer did not go to this place by chance. The terrorist act had been planned for this time, because a meeting of leading women in Kurdish movement was held there to prepare the commemoration of another terrorist murder of three Kurdish female fighters almost ten years ago in Paris (2013).
Since Erdoğan’s assumption of power in Turkey on August 28, 2014, he has carried out political trials, repression and murders against the political democratic forces, especially against the Kurds inside the country and outside it. Therefore, in protest against this brutal act, hundreds of rebellious people demonstrated in the Place de la République in Paris on December 24, 2022.
We freedom-minded people must both condemn these attacks especially against the fighting Kurdish activists who succeeded in crushing the fascist Islamic Caliphate (ISIS) in Rojava in northern and eastern Syria, and taking the necessary action to end the EU’s abhorrent classification of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) as a “terrorist organization”. This position of the European Parliament fulfills Erdoğan’s inhuman wishful thinking and pleases NATO, of which Turkey is a member.
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