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This term consists of two words: prefix anti, anti Greek (against), and Semitic (see note) refers to a trend, an ideology, a doctrine or a particularly directed against one of the peoples of the Semitic race movement Jews.
Material fact that has allowed these feelings of animosity to occur since ancient times to the present day, in almost every country in the world, is provided by the fate, unique in human history, the Jewish people. While the other peoples of Semitic origin (Phoenicians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Arable, etc..), Have disappeared, or remained in a specific area, or, finally, are completely assimilated to a particular nation, the destiny of the Jewish people was quite different: despite the misfortunes, calamities, plagues of any kind suffered by him during its early history, the Jewish people finally defeated and driven from his country of origin, disappeared not, nor gave way to other nations. He retained its vitality. There were scattered around the world, peopled countries, settled almost everywhere, but nowhere completely assimilated: for the most part, he kept all his manners and customs, solidarity, religion, language, the most characteristic features of his race.

The popular mentality of ancient times when every man does not belong to the clan, the tribe, the same religion, the same national or civic community as a “foreign” despicable and treatable pariah you looked, served basis for any kind of harassment, restrictions and persecution launched against the Jews.
The outdated mentality – unhealthy, perverse, stupid, but still prevalent today as nationalism and chauvinism (see these words) on the one hand, inherited from ancient times, on the other hand purposely supported by the propertied classes and leaders – shoot, even today, to acts of hostility towards Jews in any country “civilized.”

“Being separated hallmarks of other citizens or subjects of a country indicates the Israelites to hatred from the crowd. In fact, although not possessing point territory in common and speaking the same language developed, the Jews are, in some ways, a nation, they are conscious of a collective past joys and sufferings, filing traditions identical and belief more or less illusory same relationship. United by the name they recognize themselves as one body, otherwise national least religious in the midst of other men. “(Reclus, Earth and Man, vol. VI, p. 373).

It is with a sense of pride, superiority even – sometimes feeling too stressed – that, generally, the Jews keep and bear through time and space, their qualities and their faults … (because all nations have one as the others). And this is what increases the anger and hatred of people who do not admit that for them the right to be proud or who believe free from defects and packed with features.

The animosity and acts of hostility towards Jews took, however, a character and appearance quite varied over the centuries and different countries.

Submitted for quite some time, the authority of the Roman Empire, Judea was finally defeated and devastated by the emperors Vespasian and Titus (first century BC – • C.). The fate of the Jews was appalling. Here are the terms in which it is painted by Reclus (work cited, t II, p 515..): “The Jews, who, a thousand years ago, defying the forces of nature, like all the peoples of the area, and as also worshiped especially a national deity, personification of their race, had ended up giving their religion absolutely exclusive; successive misfortunes they were struck: undo, bans mass exodus and oppression, had, so to speak, uprooted from the ground; they had lost interest in the things of the earth and escaped them, grouped around their priests, they are more exalted in their hopes of beyond in their confidence in the promises of Yahweh, the only God, the living who holds in his right hand eternal things. Like others, they had been able to accommodate the huge Roman peace and walk their best on the difficult path of life; but elevated by faith above the mundane existence, ecstatic in their fixed idea, they believed more miracle to reality. Rather die than share their adoration between the true God and the Roman eagles, that draw off the altar statues in Rome and Caesar. The story of their supreme strength really shows the incomparable energy in the resistance, as the collective madness tore the ordinary conditions of life. The final drama was horrible. The rows of crucified the besiegers stood in front of the ramparts, spurts starving, drunken songs and prayers, rushing against the swords of the Romans, the temple is full of blood, these are the pictures we represent the annals of war. Then we are shown the thousands of miserable beings who hang on dusty roads and Titus, the “Delights of Mankind”, is slain, to the applause of the crowd, in the vast amphitheater Colosseum, built by his father. The siege of Jerusalem would have killed, say the historians, to eleven hundred thousand human beings and the number of Jewish prisoners, which could be valid slaves or gladiators men reached nine hundred thousand men. Titus had distributed in all parts of the Empire, wherever we needed victims for parties, arms for public works. A real hunt for Jews was organized not only in Palestine but also in Syria, Asia Minor, Egypt, Cyrene, to Libya. There remained one more in Judea: this is far from the country that is now found their main communities. What remained of the nation had been near death, if colonies had existed in all major cities along the Eastern Mediterranean, and Rome itself and in other cities of the West. ”

This was the first act of great tragedy of the Jewish people, tragedy unfolding since then, throughout history until today. Reclus was right to say that the final destruction of the Jews as a political entity and full expatriation of the nation was one of the most tragic events in the history of the great tragedies of mankind.

This is where arises the known “Wandering Jew” image forever fleeing across the world, persecuted everywhere, misfortune struck, hated, can not find it anywhere no peace, no physical or mental rest. For the drama dragged. The drama continues to the shame of modern humanity …

But back to his consecutive phases.

After a relative lull, during which the Jews, while officially having the same civil rights as all other citizens of the Empire, had an extremely difficult social situation, attached to the heavier work and suffering privations and humiliations any so – after this momentary lull, acute repression against the Jews began again, in different parts of the Roman Empire, with the establishment of Christianity as the official religion during the reign of Constantine I, called the Great (beginning of the fourth century AD). This time, the persecution took a distinctly religious character, coupled with political action. On the one hand, the crowd rushed against the Jews as anti-Christian enemies of Christ, “unclean”, etc.., By slandering, accusing them of all sorts of monstrosities, ritual killings and so on. It was at this time that the famous legend arises on employment by the blood of Christian Jews in the preparation of bread of Passover children. “It is curious – says Reclus, – that this accusation is precisely an old weapon once used by pagans against the Christians themselves. Fierce slander are all time and serve all parties. There were, on both sides, of the wickedness committed, infanticide and others, we can not doubt; but it is no less certain that they were mostly made ​​Christians since they have almost always had the strength and were the persecutors. “(Work quoted, vol. III, p. 265). It is also curious that at that time the Jews became Christians are clearly separated from the Jews remained faithful to the religion of their ancestors: now “the darkest hatred is kindled between mother and daughter.” (Ernest Renan, The Gospels and the second generation of Christians, p. 111).

Jews Christians sided with the persecutors of the Jews.

On the other hand, the Christian emperors, yielding to public opinion, created for the Jews an exceptional restrictive legislation, giving the oppression of the Jews, for the first time in history, a clearly political and social aspect. The religious motive still, of course, its role in the persecution. He even played in some countries, almost to the present day (Russia). But it will, from now on, because of political, economic and social order that increasingly prevail.

In the barbarian kingdoms that had formed on the ruins of the Roman Empire, the Jews were not too worried. However, the overall situation remained as serfs and outcasts. In addition, periods of acute persecution recurred sporadically, especially with the approach of middle age, with the Inquisition and religious intolerance that characterize this period. Thus, in France, expulsions of Jews in masses, confiscation of their land, as well as various movements of the crowd against the Jews took place during the ninth and tenth centuries. (Examples: the expulsion of Sens, 883, confiscation of their property in Narbonne, in 899, some stoning to Palm Sunday and Easter, etc ….). Same facts occurred from time to time in Italy, Spain and elsewhere. The fundamental reasons for the persecution was still religious and partly social. But often a more or less accidental explosion of anger blind a hostile crowd, swollen by a sort of collective psychosis, enough to bring the masses to the worst excesses. This element of psychosis, collective contagion, yet little studied by sociological science plays in acts of public fury against the Jews, as indeed in all actions of the masses, a considerable role.

In the Middle Ages (until around XVI century), religious persecution and political measures against “impure” continued unabated. It was at this time, including the persecution gradually took in Western countries (France, Italy, Spain), a mixed character, more complicated. Social patterns began to play a major role. And then, the national sentiment, acute recurrent racial hatred, there mingled. – The mode of existence of Jews, restrictive laws, the purpose of life forced them to look especially business strictly private, personal: Trade Finance. Except, of course, all those between them – and they were many – who held low-paying small business or become the most exploited and the most unfortunate of the time the poorest workers, they formed a layer fairly large too, business intermediaries, creditors, bankers, traders, financiers, moneylenders. Some of them already accumulated considerable wealth, which pointed to the special interest and attention of governments and the Church. What is particularly interesting is that the Church and the major emerging states, hungry for money, having great need of the Jews and their capital, “pumping” their wealth as they could, learned already in same time to the same channel against Jews “thieves” and “hoarders” social discontent, anger of the masses by producing here and there. “When the Church does not borrowed, – says Reclus, – it was borrowed by the Jew; she was left to curse him as a thief and rob as impious and after use as money lender. – At this time of transition, while wealth is rapidly mobilized by currency, credit and banking, the Jews were valuable auxiliaries to governments. Historically, royal powers, that their policy, even unconscious, door to divide and rule, had an interest in having a class of subjects on which they can in difficult circumstances, divert the anger and violence of the people. Thus the Jews were for the states of medieval Christianity the “precious deicides” it was legitimate to strike when others were guilty they would not have existed that the Church would have been born under the name of heretics or schismatics. During the great expeditions of the Crusades, in the conquered cities, the leaders gave the gangs of Jews to massacre; when civil wars were feared, care was taken, as in Russia today – it was written before the 1917 revolution – to guide, to channel the popular fury by pushing away hungry rich abbeys and castles to sumptuous counters Jews cursed; but unless they had personal vendettas to exercise, it is careful not to designate the crowd rich usurers or tax collectors, who placed big money money nobles and priests. As alien race and religion, the Jew was hated, but as business agent was essential: this was the origin of the legal theory that the Jew was considered “serf” the king and lords. Over a large area of the feudal world, every Jew had his Lord, as he had his weaver, his blacksmith. The Jew was a real property that inféodait that were sold, and that he could have no property of their own, his master with all that belonged to him.

Such was the doctrine professed by the illustrious Thomas Aquinas and the most powerful in Europe put into practice. Especially the English sovereigns proceeded methodically organizing, systematizing wear through their instruments, their “furniture”, Jews, William Newbury called “royal usurers”. However, these special agents of the king, very methodical in their processes, managed to keep them for a large share of the wealth they were responsible for extracting the nation. In 1187 already, it was estimated approximately their movable property in English country to 240,000 pounds, while all the other inhabitants of the kingdom, had incomparably more together than 700,000 books. – Naturally, the Jews had to pay the penalty of their fortune, and that once the people stirred up against them; that both sovereigns, turning against their usurers, who profited in the same proportion to the loss of the kingdom, they did make gold which they had gorged; Finally, as many times as the fanatical crowds and priests, they took pretext wear exerted by the Jews to fulfill their religious hatred torturing, burning Jews small fire!

Madness sometimes mingled. Thus in 1321, a senseless rumor ran through the France, prompting people to the most cruel abominations. The rumor spread that Jews had imagined a fairly virulent poison to destroy Christendom, provided it was administered by “mésiaul” or lepers. The horrible history found no unbelievers and everywhere we rushed to the leper in order to “set fire” in Aquitaine and much of the Franche-Comté all mésiel were “ars”. Instinctive fear of contagion doubtless contributed to cast people in this terrible frenzy, but the king himself, who was “so great desire to keep his subjects in bone and bone paiz love”, launched three successive orders to deliver the “lepers foul,” men, women, children over fourteen years, the rigors of “justice”, torture and the stake: Chinon, 160 lepers were burned on the same day.

At a point of view quite general, we can say that the Israelites would have eventually accommodate gradually Christian environment, among the nations of Europe in the Middle Ages, they had continued to be necessary and if ‘fierce competition Christian banks had rejected. The great persecutions occur at the time when we begin to no longer need them. The monks Templars, the “Lombards” Florentine changers, having learned to handle gold, silver and precious stones with as much skill as the Jews also discovered all the secrets of credit, and their agents and correspondents established in all cities of the East, on the route to India and China, they were emboldened to support soon
the fight against the Jews. Thereof, become useless, were fatally apart: they fell, and their triumphant rival could wash their hands of torture by attributing them to the popular exasperation. It was the same when we did make the blood which they had sips other leeches “to replace burned the Templars, he did not fail Lombards or Flemings!” (Work cited, t IV, p.. 117-120).

It is precisely at this time (sixteenth century), the famous ghettos – neighborhoods where Jews were held in a city resident – were established in Italy, in order to separate the Jewish population totally other inhabitants of isolate, to better submit to restrictive and special laws. – In Spain, one hundred and sixty thousand Jews were simply deported back to the late fifteenth century. Thousands more fled before the threat of terrible persecution and absolute ruin. Eighty thousand Jews seeking a passage to the sea, through Portugal and King Joao sells their transit to the price of eight crowns per head. Two to three hundred thousand exiles dispersed in Africa and the East. – In Germany, civil and social conditions of the Jewish population were also lamentable.

The era of the Reformation and the Renaissance (fifteenth and sixteenth centuries) does nothing to alter the plight of the Jews. Harassment and torture of all kinds, legal or arbitrary continued to practice against them, with a few intermissions, in almost all European countries. Not only in Spain but also in Portugal and England, they proceeded to their total expulsion.

It was only during the eighteenth century (in England earlier, at the time of the revolution of Cromwell, late seventeenth century), a reform movement against the abominable situation of the Jews dawned Europe and led to the abolition, almost everywhere, restrictive laws, at least the most horrible. – In France, it was by the Act of 27 September 1791, declared that the Constituent Assembly abolished all special laws concerning Jews. Civil equality of the Jews was well established and confirmed by subsequent governments. – In Germany, the movement is also designed in the late eighteenth century and the same results. – Similarly, in Italy and elsewhere. We can say that the threshold of the twentieth century, the Jews enjoyed in all major European states, with the exception of Russia (discussed below), the same civil, political and economic all other citizens. (However, Romania, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, civic capacity remained limited). Note that in some major countries, antisemitism has never existed in a manner so little pronounced. Such, for example, China, where the vast majority of Jews (immigrants probably after the capture of Jerusalem and the final loss of independence), given the lack of relationships with co-religionists in the Western world and the growing ignorance of the religious past and history, finally, after keeping their isolated during the Middle Ages, by fully accommodate to the ambiance of the Chinese world communities. Such as Japan where we always kept a tolerance toward Jews, few of the rest. Such as the United States of America, young country, which was formed and developed after and out of hatred and religious wars of Europe.

But, alas, despite a significant improvement occurred in the miserable situation of the Jews with the abolition of emergency laws, anti-Semitism did not die at all in the countries of Europe. Instead, a new wave of hostility against Jews goes right in the nineteenth century and continue, growing even to this day. The term itself – antisemitism – arises precisely at this time. However, the movement today is a very different character. He changed his appearance. Religious sentiment no longer plays a secondary and subordinate role, or even plays no role at all. The real springs of modern anti-Semitic movement lie in a completely different field.

Anti-Semitism today has two bases. On the one hand, it is the expression of a new wave of nationalism, the most disgusting chauvinism, whose thrust was favored by the events of the end of the last century (Franco-Prussian War), those from the beginning of the twentieth century (Russo-Japanese war and colonial rivalries and economic struggles between several major capitalist countries, stimulating new momentum opposing trends internationalist revolutionary movement) and, especially, by the war and the various movements of 1914-1918. On the other hand, it is the result of a calculation and a political action of some governments and seek, as was already the case in ancient times, to divert discontent, popular anger. The situation is complicated by the worsening of all kinds of evils and social and economic woes, pushing one side at a growth of revolutionary tendencies, on the other, to the reaction and the nationalist and fascist revolution against . The masses themselves are not so chauvinistic and anti-Semitic than this. But the rulers, the church, the school and the bourgeois press know well enjoy the present evils to excite, to warm those feelings and get the desired result: transformation of hatred fair and healthy against the very foundations of modern society in a stupid race hatred.

It was, first and foremost, Czarist Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century, said the old recipe and entered the path of anti-Semitic action as soon as the throne of the tsars began to falter. Towards the end of the century, Russia became the classical country of antisemitism. Its agents and with all the means at its disposal, the tsarist government inspired, organized, commanded, directed the massacre of Jews – the “pogroms” – the most terrible are known throughout the world (that of Bielostok in 1905 those – many – Kishinev, and others). In addition, any restrictive legislation against the Jews was created. Harassment, humiliation, harassment of any kind formed their normal everyday life. A special area – kind of “ghetto” Italian medieval – was established in the south-west of the country and assigned to the residence of the Jews, with blacklisting the rest of the territory. The reactionary press unleashed, propaganda priests teaching in schools – all served to excite the minds against “dirty yid”. All social suffering of the working poor and were explained by the Jewish action whenever the opportunity presented itself, the popular fury was invariably launched against the Jewish neighborhoods where the blood then flowed. The method was rooted to the point that one of the first acts of the reactionary generals who seized of this or that city during the civil war of 1918-1920 was almost always order a massacre of Jews in good standing. Thus the reactionary commander Grigoriev (later executed by the Staff of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army Makhnovist), having seized the town of Ielisabethgrad, it ordered a “pogrom” of three days, and the the author of these lines was a witness, and where death more than 2,500 human beings because Jews (July 1919) found. The road to the “victorious” army of General Denikin (1919) was strewn with terrible Jewish massacres, such as Kiev, which lasted three days, or the even more terrible than Fastov city government of Kiev, where the “pogrom” lasted eight days and cost the lives of 3,000 Jews, not to mention those who, struck or injured, but lives were saved, and the total number reached 10,000 men and women. In addition, almost all women and Jewish girls above 10 years were raped there.

It was only after the victory of the 1917 revolution that changed the situation of the Jews in Russia. Currently, all the restrictive laws are abolished, the “ghetto” no longer exists, massacres or other anti-Semitic actions are impossible. Unfortunately, a serious reservation must be made. The revolution did not succeed in the desired direction by the working classes, the general conditions of life being remained extremely difficult for the vast masses, a new layer of privileged bureaucrats, exploiters, new-rich s ‘being formed, and a large number of Jews belonging precisely this layer and the ruling party, including several paramount chiefs (Zinoviev, Trotsky and others) – the discontent of the masses, their hatred against the new masters, their mood General are directed in part against the Jews. Antisemitic trend dormant and spreads silently, secretly. It is an indisputable fact that the “Jews” are hated in Russia, by the ignorant masses who do not know better, and perhaps worse, distinguish things before the revolution. The fall of the Bolshevik government (event quite possible) and even the first serious movement against the current state of things could relive the horrors of the past and bring mass murder of the Jews. These are the Bolsheviks themselves, these forgers of social revolution, which would be primarily responsible. Because it is the disastrous consequences of a false revolution, who would lead. In any case, we can not yet say that antisemitism is definitely dead in Russia.

It was not, however, Russia alone who returned to the anti-Semitic practice during the twentieth century. Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Balkan country, the reborn France saw the same trends, the same hatred, though, of course, in milder forms, the more “civilized”. The cry, “Down with the Jews” rang again, more every day, throughout the world to another. Anti-Jewish propaganda, anti-Semitic literature gaining strength in eye sight. This time it is not aberrations of any fanaticism, religious or other instincts. It is only a cold and conscious calculation of propaganda in the service of political and social reaction. We must find, before the unhappy and discontented masses, the scapegoat for their woes. Must divert their attention from the real culprits. We must seek to mislead the waking consciousness. “This is Jewish power which is the cause of all evils. It must be cut down, and they are the real nationalists who are able to do so. Then all will be well. So you store around the integral nationalism, against radicalism and revolution were sold to the Jews “This is the call of the day in more than one country of the twentieth century. Poland, just reborn, already distinguished recently by repressions against the Jews.

It is curious that even countries that previously had never sinned tare antisemitism, get a taste today. In the United States, for example, certain bourgeois circles, having found during the war that a significant number of anti-militarist and revolutionaries were recruited among the Jews, set in motion the anti-Semitic propaganda, and the famous Ford became the spiritual father the anti-Jewish campaign launched in America today.

It was only after the victory of the 1917 revolution that changed the situation of the Jews in Russia. Currently, all the restrictive laws are abolished, the “ghetto” no longer exists, massacres or other anti-Semitic actions are impossible. Unfortunately, a serious reservation must be made. The revolution did not succeed in the desired direction by the working classes, the general conditions of life being remained extremely difficult for the vast masses, a new layer of privileged bureaucrats, exploiters, new-rich s ‘being formed, and a large number of Jews belonging precisely this layer and the ruling party, including several paramount chiefs (Zinoviev, Trotsky and others) – the discontent of the masses, their hatred against the new masters, their mood General are directed in part against the Jews. Antisemitic trend dormant and spreads silently, secretly. It is an indisputable fact that the “Jews” are hated in Russia, by the ignorant masses who do not know better, and perhaps worse, distinguish things before the revolution. The fall of the Bolshevik government (event quite possible) and even the first serious movement against the current state of things could relive the horrors of the past and bring mass murder of the Jews. These are the Bolsheviks themselves, these forgers of social revolution, which would be primarily responsible. Because it is the disastrous consequences of a false revolution, who would lead. In any case, we can not yet say that antisemitism is definitely dead in Russia.

It was not, however, Russia alone who returned to the anti-Semitic practice during the twentieth century. Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Balkan country, the reborn France saw the same trends, the same hatred, though, of course, in milder forms, the more “civilized”. The cry, “Down with the Jews” rang again, more every day, throughout the world to another. Anti-Jewish propaganda, anti-Semitic literature gaining strength in eye sight. This time it is not aberrations of any fanaticism, religious or other instincts. It is only a cold and conscious calculation of propaganda in the service of political and social reaction. We must find, before the unhappy and discontented masses, the scapegoat for their woes. Must divert their attention from the real culprits. We must seek to mislead the waking consciousness. “This is Jewish power which is the cause of all evils. It must be cut down, and they are the real nationalists who are able to do so. Then all will be well. So you store around the integral nationalism, against radicalism and revolution were sold to the Jews “This is the call of the day in more than one country of the twentieth century. Poland, just reborn, already distinguished recently by repressions against the Jews.

It is curious that even countries that previously had never sinned tare antisemitism, get a taste today. In the United States, for example, certain bourgeois circles, having found during the war that a significant number of anti-militarist and revolutionaries were recruited among the Jews, set in motion the anti-Semitic propaganda, and the famous Ford became the spiritual father the anti-Jewish campaign launched in America today.

In some countries, “theorists” and “scholars” arise that make the “scientific anti-Semitism” (biological and sociological). They are about to prove, it seems that the Jewish race is not only an inferior race, but she can hardly count as a human race, being closer intermediate between ape and man rights, itself! Anti-Semitism finds its scientific and social historical reasons! … It becomes a doctrine.

Of course, the Church holds an honorable place among the propagandists of Jew-hatred. “Some Orthodox theologians – says Reclus – standing in the middle of modern society as” cookies “left by the diggers in a plain leveled, yet fiercely maintain the constant teaching of the Church in relation to the punishment of heretics c is as contemporary history can establish useful comparisons between the present and the past. The Jesuit Luca, professor at the Vatican University in Rome, in his book of ecclesiastical jurisprudence, published in 1901, expresses himself in the following terms: “The civil authority shall apply to the heretic the death penalty on order and on behalf of the Church; when the Church has given him a heretic can not be issued this sentence. Are liable not only those who have renounced their faith, but also those who have sucked heresy with breast milk and there stubbornly persist and repeat offenders, even if they want to convert again. “And Has not been seen again in 1898, on July 17, the official Catholicism represented by the highest dignitaries of the Church, celebrated in solemn pomp, the memories of a burning of five Jews burned after torture, one of the squares of Brussels – Under the pretext of Eucharistic congresses and an architectural feast, the Church, after a lapse of five centuries, expressed solidarity of an abominable crime, produces the most ridiculous ignorance because the Jews were accused of stabbing wafers which streamed the blood of the God-Man. In our century of light, despite the alleged separation of powers, courts and administrators still gladly put at the service of the Church to condemn his enemies. “(Work quoted, vol. VI, p. 412).

As in ancient times, childish ignorance and illogicality of millions of people, or almost unconscious hypocrisy, still provide an excellent ground for the anti-Semitic propaganda. “The Jew is also one of the strangers that you hate, not because of its defects, the so-called Aryan Europe or America would be free, but precisely by virtue of vice that we share with him . He is accused of loving too much money and to get it meanly. Now, is not that what we could blame anyone of any race or any religion they are, selling false weight of damaged goods to all who accept whoever salaried insults or less words, gestures of contempt to all those who collect money in blood and mud? They are legion. Even the education that is given almost universally to youth is to teach him
succeed anyway. And if in competition, the Jew is better than the so-called Christian, he does not he hates his rival because he obeys a slave jealousy? It resents both his personal villainy and those that are guilty of trying to behind in the race to fortune. “(Work quoted, vol. VI, p. 372).

Indeed, the thing is simple and clear. But how do not understand … “The small number of trades and occupations of the Jews, and especially the major emphasis in their lives to trade money, certainly contributed to a very strong part in their create a particular type that often distinguishes them from other ethnic and social elements. Professional ethics, which is maintained for many generations and is strengthened from father to son and grandfather to son breakfast without being neutralized or countered by another legal professional, eventually acquire an unstoppable power; the love of gain unscrupulous eventually read every look, every gesture, in every expression of traits and body movements. Millions of caricatures represent the Jew hands hooked to the flexible spine, the specious smile, nose bird of prey; but is not there a type of race: we must see a temporary distortion, destined to disappear with the causes that gave rise, that is to say with the conditions of the property and market competition . “This is the ghetto, Has often repeated, the ghetto that made the Jew!” By opening the gates of the cursed place, it was more than half déjudaïsé. “(Work quoted, vol. VI, p. 378). Indeed, even a Jew, he was not in ancient times, the type embodied a fanatic, a philosopher, an enthusiast, a dreamer, disinterested of all things of the earth? Human kind in general, do not it depends on the atmosphere? How many still do not understand! … Even those who want to fight the “Judaism” should have understood that the best way for this would be just perfect tolerance. And how many people do not even think about the millions of Jews who retain workers until today the best qualities of the breed! One could hardly find in another medium the same traits of dedication, solidarity, fraternity, purer than is observed among the exploited population of Jewish idealism. It is obvious that – as indeed in all nations and among all peoples – there are also people in the Jewish bourgeois, hoarders, dishonest, criminal exploiters, and at the same time, millions of honest workers, excellent people, brave … How, though, do not see and believe “the Jew” as the incarnation of all the vices and faults of humanity! … “Fire, great way to disinfection was used not to destroy the corpses and contaminated objects of any kind, but to burn unhappy, especially the Jews, who was accused of spreading infectious diseases and during the great plague of the fourteenth century, was burned two thousand Israelites in Hamburg and twelve cents in Mainz. And until recently, the popular ignorance has always sought revenge on the evil enemy that came from its own negligence. “(Work quoted, vol. VI, p. 470).

A question arises: anti-Semitism, he disappears one day, and how? How should fight against this shame of humanity today? Unfortunately, this “shame” is far from being the only or main. It takes any one general system, a whole social organization of which it is a natural workings. It can therefore disappear with this system, with the organization with all the modern society.

There are now quite a few people who would have blushed at the thought of being able to have something in common with such barbarity, such stupidity that antisemitism, people who fight, who resent his success, but at the same time are quite agree, as a completely normal thing about massacres Moroccans, Georgians, Hindus, Negroes or simply workers in their own country; people who are – for anything! – Semites, yet are the most natural and most illogically of the world, “antiboches” or “anti-French” or “anti-British”, etc. … It is inconceivable unconsciousness or hypocrisy most execrable. In any case, it is illogical screaming.

Anti-Semitism is today one of the most hideous of the lowest nationalism faces; a maneuver, an instrument of the most fierce reaction. It is one of the bleeding wounds of our society undergoing putrefaction. It is a manifestation of the cons-revolution in march, taking advantage of the ignorance, thoughtlessness of some, the temporary inability of other plays on the worst instincts to achieve his goals.

The biggest “shame” of contemporary humanity is all this abominable society as a whole: society where wars, national hatreds, political comedy, systematic deception, exploitation appalling, massacres of all kinds are rule are various facts-everyday, is the essence of existence.

Anti-Semitism is an inherent element to this company; it is neither more nor less shameful than itself. It is inseparable; it can therefore disappear with it. Fight against anti-Semitism is to fight against all this horrible society as a whole.

This is the complete destruction of the present society and its reorganization on any other social bases that will lead to the eventual demise of the nationalist fever, and with it, anti-Semitism. It will disappear when the vast human masses to end their sufferings and misfortunes and prices of harrowing experiences, understand, finally, that humanity will on pain of death, to organize his life on the natural foundations of a healthy and material cooperation fraternal and moral and just, that is to say, truly human.

Then will come the day when the men living in this new society, talk about all the beautiful nationalists exploits of our time – Semitic or other – as one of the darkest pages of human history. They speak as we men of the twentieth century, we are talking about exploits, not less beautiful, fierce emperors times the decline of Rome.

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آدرس و اسامی صفحات مرتبط با فدراسیون عصر آنارشیسم

Federation of Anarchism Era Social Media Pages

۱- آدرس تماس با ما
۲- عصر آنارشیسم در اینستاگرام
۳- عصر آنارشیسم در تلگرام
۴- عصر آنارشیسم در توئیتر
۵ – فیسبوک عصر آنارشیسم
۶ – فیسبوک بلوک سیاه ایران
۷ – فیسبوک آنارشیستهای همراه روژاوا و باکورAnarchists in solidarity with the Rojava
۸ – فیسبوک دفاع از زندانیان و اعدامیان غیر سیاسی
۹ – فیسبوک کارگران آنارشیست ایران
۱۰- فیسبوک کتابخانه آنارشیستی
۱۱ – فیسبوک آنارشیستهای همراه بلوچستان
۱۲ – فیسبوک هنرمندان آنارشیست
۱۳ – فیسبوک دانشجویان آنارشیست
۱۴ – فیسبوک شاهین شهر پلیتیک
۱۵ – فیسبوک آنتی فاشیست
۱۶- تلگرام آنارشیستهای اصفهان و شاهین شهر
۱۷ – اینستاگرام آنارشیستهای اصفهان و شاهین شهر
۱۸- تلگرام آنارشیستهای شیراز
۱۹ – تلگرام ” جوانان آنارشیست ”
۲۰ - تلگرام آنارشیستهای تهران
۲۱ – اینستاگرام جوانان آنارشیست
۲۲ – گروه تلگرام اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۳ –  توییتر اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران - The Anarchists Union of Afghanistan and Iran
۲۴ – فیسبوک اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۵ – اینستاگرام اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۶ – کانال تلگرام خودسازماندهی مطالب گروه اتحاديه آنارشیست‌های افغانستان و ايران
۲۷ – گروه تلگرام خودساماندهی مطالب گروه اتحادیه آنارشیستهای افغانستان و ایران
۲۸– اینستاگرام آنارشیستهای بوکان - ئانارکیستە کانی بۆکان
۲۹- کانال تلگرام کتابخانه شورشی
۳۰- کانال تلگرام ریتم آنارشی
۳۱- تلگرام آنارشیستهای اراک
۳۲- تلگرام قیام مردمی
۳۳- ماستودون عصرآنارشیسم
۳۴- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های مزار شریف
۳۵- فیسبوک آنارشیست‌های کابل