!مراسم بُزرگداشت ابراهیم رئیسی در "سازمان ملل متحد" را محکوم می کنیم

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By Hasse-Nima Golkar

The “United Nation General Assembly” (in reality United Governments), has decided to commemorate Ebrahim Raisi (“Ayatollah of Death”) on May 30, 2024. He was one of the high-ranking officials of the Shia Islamic Caliphate State in Iran.

Ebrahim Raisi was killed on May 19, 2024, along with some other government officials, after a helicopter crash in the mountainous region of Azerbaijan, in the northwest of Iran.

The main purpose of this kind of deceitful act is to mislead the world opinion by supporting and also whitewashing the Ayatollahs, who for forty-five years have committed crimes against the overwhelming majority of the people of Iran.

Ebrahim Raisi, born in 1960, after the great executioner, Ayatollah Khomeini came to power (1979), at about the age of twenty, started working in the judiciary. He had a decisive role in the execution of thousands of political and conscience prisoners. As well as the brutal suppression of the people’s social movements.

Ebrahim Raisi, was one of the members of the “Committee of Death”, which was formed based on Ayatollah Khomeini’s written order (Fatwa) in the summer of 1988. He was tasked with executing all political prisoners who stood for their political views against the ruling Islamic regime.

In this regard, one of the assistants of the “Committee of Death”(in the Gohar Dasht Prison in the city of Karaj, west of the capital Tehran) named “Hamid Noury”, has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the Stockholm Criminal District Court and after it in the Swedish Court of Appeal, accused of “Crimes Against Humanity”. With the participation of nearly 90 eyewitnesses and various experts, and several thousand of indisputable evidence, regarding his assistance in more than three thousand executions of political prisoners.

Hamid Noury is currently in one of Sweden’s prisons. And if Ebrahim Raisi was alive, as the boss of “Hamid Noury” and an active participant in this terrible and inhumane crime, he could be prosecuted and sentenced in the criminal courts in any country within the European Union.

This shameful action by members of the “United Nations” in honor of the murderer Ebrahim Raisi, is a clear insult to the conscience of all the freedom-minded, equality- and justice-seeking people of Iran and other parts of the world. Therefore, this act must be strongly condemned.


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